by Alison Dalgity | Feb 25, 2016 | news |
I think it’s fair to say that v4 will take Arches to a whole new level, and it’s coming to a computer near you later this year! We are very excited about it and it’s bound to make many people very happy—besides us, of course! Among other things, you’ll have a wizard...
by Alison Dalgity | Jan 10, 2016 | Uncategorized
Please see Alexei’s post here.
by Alison Dalgity | Oct 26, 2015 | Uncategorized
If you are thinking about implementing Arches, please check out our List of Implementation Considerations. This list was kindly created by Adam Cox based on his experience as a lone implementor of Arches in Louisiana. It is a living document that we hope will be...
by Alison Dalgity | May 3, 2015 | blog, news, Uncategorized
Read our latest Fact Sheet on Arches v.3.0 (2 pages; pdf)
by Alison Dalgity | Oct 29, 2014 | Uncategorized
Please excuse our bloglessness! Many good intentions and some wonderful ideas, but short on ink to paper (or pixels to screen). Truth be told, we’ve been busy working on v3.0 and it is so much more than a mere update. Now that we are getting ready for the first...