Arches for Science
The latest version of Arches for Science is v1.1. Sign up for our announcement list, join the Arches Community Forum or follow us on social media for the latest news on Arches for Science.
Arches for Science is a comprehensive system to help heritage scientists, other heritage professionals, and heritage organizations secure, retrieve, visualize, compare, and share heritage science data, and manage tasks in the lab. Arches for Science will be implemented at the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), where it will be known as DISCO (Data Integration for Conservation Science). Arches for Science currently focuses on the technical examination of art, which includes tools for annotations, material sampling, retrieval and visualization of instrument data, and image and data comparison. It is anticipated that this will provide a foundation for the application of Arches for Science for a range of other purposes.
The following videos include preliminary demonstrations of Arches for Science, and include the basic assumptions and examples of the key features of the software. The videos can also be accessed in YouTube using the Arches for Science playlist on the Arches Project YouTube Channel.
Arches for Science, Part 1 of 5: Introduction
A brief examination of what constitutes a technical examination project and what data Arches for Science is designed to manage.
Arches for Science, Part 2 of 5: Data Upload
Demonstration of the various workflows designed to facilitate intuitive data entry and the creation of structured data.
Arches for Science, Part 3 of 5: Data Use
A brief examination of the ways that one can immediately use and visualize spectral data in Arches for Science.
Arches for Science, Part 4 of 5: Search
Demonstration of the keyword and concept search capabilities of Arches for Science that allow for Data Discovery.
Arches for Science, Part 5 of 5: Search, continued
Brief demonstration of time and location-based searching in Arches for Science.
An Update on Arches For Science
(IPERION HS Workshop October 2021)
This video features Arches for Science project team members (GCI Scientist Catherine Patterson and Farallon President/CEO Dennis Wuthrich) discussing the current and planned capabilities of Arches for Science for the IPERION HS Project Workshop: “Transatlantic Cooperation in Heritage Science” on October 6, 2021.
Code Repository
Full information on implementing Arches for Science is under preparation. However, the open-source code is available. The Arches for Science code repository can be found on Github. The latest version of Arches for Science is v1.1 and it requires installation of a pre-release version of Arches Version 7.6 to load.
Header Image: Karen Trentelman, GCI. Visible image and elemental distribution maps (gold, silver, and bismuth) of a detail from Leaf from the Hours of Louis XII. Jean Bourdichon, 1498/1499, JPGM, Ms. 79a (2004.1).
Updated: February 2024