Google Summer of Code 2014

Google has chosen Arches as one of the open-source projects in its 2014 Summer of Code  program!! This gives qualified students worldwide an opportunity to spend a summer writing code for Arches, all of which will be generously funded by Google. The results could yield some exciting and useful new features.

The program offers students the unique possibility to gain concrete IT experience, and at the same time to be involved in protecting the world’s cultural heritage.

Ideas on how students might contribute to Arches are listed on The list is meant as a starting point and students are encouraged to give their own suggestions, propose new ideas, and even provide detailed plans on how they might approach a piece of work. Questions and suggestions can be posted on the Arches forum or students can interact directly with the Arches Project team through IRC.

Students who have advanced coding skills, particularly in Python, and an interest in heritage conservation are strongly encouraged to apply. Applications open on March 10th and end on March 21st.

Google Summer of Code for the Arches Project

Google’s selection of Arches is great news for our project!!